Sunday 12 April 2015

wearing lipstick 2


Sequel to my earlier write up (wearing lipsticks) , I would like to add few details; like lipstick colour! I love colour but I understand that not all colours are good for me. In considering your lip colour you must consider your skin tone!

(lipsticks available @ HOG, bb pin3353AEF6)

As I often say there are no rules in make-up, but to every rule there is an exception.

In wearing a perfect lip colour please note these tips:

Tips 1: when you are wearing a bright coloured eyeshadow, please don't also wear a bright coloured lipstick (vice versa)
Tips 2: please keep in mind the occasion, is it an
office? Or a party? Your look must be right
Tip 3: when considering a lipstick don't forget to pick the appropriate lip liner
Tip4: ebony dark skinned women should not be caught wearing very dark lipstick, like black, it contradicts the whole essence of wearing lipstick which is to brighten your face!

Before I go on I would like to emphasize that dark is different from bold, plus bright is different from light, I hope my choice of words are not misleading tho!

Finally, you if your skin tone is very light please wear subtle colours like tonne red, you won't want to attract a lot of attention!
Thank you time!
Make your purchase @ HOG, you are our ultimate priority!

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